Richard Corcoran has held office as the Interim President of the New College of Florida for .

In this time, he has made...

$ xx,xxx.xx

Meanwhile, NCF student workers and teachers' assistants are paid Florida's minimum wage, $11/hour. In this same time, they would have made...

$ xx,xxx.xx

While the tenure of professors is being denied, professors struggle with rising costs of housing in Sarasota, and campus accessibility concerns like broken dorm elevators have been ignored for months, the "interim" president is extracting disgusting amounts of school funds for himself.


Corcoran's base salary is $699,000, along with a retirement contribution of $104,850, a housing allowance of $84,000, and a car allowance of $12,000, making a total of $899,850. A potential preformance bonus of $104,850 brings this to $1,004,700. (This calculator does not include the bonus.) is not an official website of The New College of Florida. It does not represent the views of The New College of Florida faculty, administration, professors, or employees.

It does, however, represent the views of many New College students.

Any resemblance to persons living or dead is completely intentional.